Talking about experiences of collaborative economy that were promoted by Associazione Uniamoci Onlus, the main example is the organization of SWAP PARTIES. At a Swap Party , a group of people get together to swap items – from clothes to toys, books to sports equipment. Swap Parties make acquiring new things into a fun, interactive event, which also reduces our environmental impact through recycling products: reusing a product, rather than buying a new one, reduces the demands for water, energy and raw materials. This reduces the impact on the environment. We usually organize it twice a year from 4 years already, one at the beginning of spring and one at the beginning of winter. We also created a wall of kindness, that is a wall where people can leave clothes they are not using anymore, so that the people in need have the possibility to freely take what they like. Talking about “ Collaborative learning ”, in our organi...