can be viewed in different ways, each with different emancipation potentials for
people with disabilities. In Portuguese society, disability has been reduced to
the in-capacities of the bodies and to a fatalistic narrative of personal tragedy.
According to this understanding model,
as passive and dependent subjects,
the silencing of their voices and fed oppressive and excluding social
policies of people with disabilities in Portugal. This essay aims to open a
reflection on this reality, in order to contribute to a cultural and
socio-political questioning of the phenomena of minorization, oppression, poverty and
social exclusion experienced by people with disabilities in Portuguese society and
for the construction of new emancipatory paths.
The full inclusion of citizens with disabilities,
as well as the full recognition and promotion of theirrightsfundamental rights,
constitutesoneofthe major prioritiesassumedbythe XXI ConstitutionalGovernment.
Provide more andbetterservices, ensuretimelyquality responses
andcreatemechanisms for effectivesupport, withsimplifiedandquickaccess, were
some ofthe objectives thatsincethefirstmomentwetried to achieve.
to improvement, publicservicesprovidecurrently a wide range
ofsupportspecificallydedicated to peoplewithdisabilities,
manyofthemnotsufficientlypublicized. Attentive to
thesourceofinformationavailableanditsdispersedcharacter, webelieveitisuseful to
createthethis Guide,
whichbringstogetherrelevantinformationregardingsupportandresources in areasof
social security, education, employment, vocational training, sport,culture,
amongothers. Hereyou can find in oneinstrument, answers to
yourquestionsquestionsaboutrecognitionofrights, benefitsand social responses,
supportemployment, taxbenefits, educationalresources, support for sports,
clarificationservices, amongothers.
a clear andaccessiblelanguage, weseek to
provideaninstrumentpracticaltoolthathelpspeoplelooking for answers in thisarea,
in order to knowwhere to goandwhat to do in the face of a doubtordifficulty.
Formoreandbetterinclusion, towards a justandcohesivesociety!
CEBwillbeheldbythe Portuguese partner, Centro Social eParoquial Santos
Martires. Itwillhavetheopportunity to trainthelearnersonthetechniques to
produceartproductsthat in theirexperienceweregood for sellingporposes:
producingpaited tiles, carvedmasks, articlesmadebyLandart,
straworraffiabaskets, porcelainpainting, canvaspainting.
6 meetings in livestreamingand/orvideoconferencingamongthe 4 partners in
whichDiakonischesWerk Bremen e.V.
itcouldbepossiblealso to organize some sharedworksessionwiththegroupsworking in
streamingatthesame time. Weplan to have 3 ofthembeforeand 3
afterthephysicalmeetings.The virtual mobilitywillbecombinedwith 5
daysofphysicalmobilitywith 6 participants( 4adultlearnerswithdisability/social
disadvantagesand 2 accompanyingpersons) per partner.
realization of work of art in multicultural groups, guided visit to examples of places
for collaborative economy in the city; sharing the results of local activities;
evaluation activities, intercultural free time activities. The use
of easy language and the learning by doing method,
but also the right alternation among learning activities, breaks and free time
activities, will ensure the efficacy of the learning process adapted to the learning abilities of the participants. The activity aims to determine
the acquiring of art techniques and practical/manual skills by the participants in a
view of transnational cooperative learning;
tutorials about the creative process and art products for selling will be the main results of the actvity.
Therefore our proposal at
Academia Santos Mártires is to
as well as work on the elaboration of tile painting material, creation of clay pieces,
stained glass painting.
to sell our products online?
can partner with the vocational training center and use marketplaces, a
kind of online store. There are several websites where you can
register and upload photos, descriptions and prices of your products. From there, buyers
can place their orders. Markets will keep a percentage of your sales,
but they will give you great visibility online.
examples of good art / product marketplaces
Or you
can create a Facebook page or group.
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